
Showing posts from January, 2019

Indian Stories in Indian Books!

Reading is an essential part of mine and N's life.  It has been so for me since I was given my 1st novel at the age of 12.. And it was 1 habit I 'needed' N to inculcate ..  She got her 1st novel when she was 5 😊 And needless to say she is an avid reader..  Of course most of it consists of fiction.. nevertheless I am happy.  This is how her recently-organized book corner looks like :-) N's Books! A few weeks back  National Book Trust of India organized a van sale in her school yard. I was skeptical (as usual).. but since teachers were going to be involved in the picking process I gave her 200 bucks. To my surprise, she not only spent all but 10/- but also got beautiful books in English as well as Hindi. No, I am not talking about the glittery, fancy..beautiful books available from western publishers. These books displayed Indian names, characters as well as stories. The ones in regional languages were big font and beautiful self-expl...

Yaaron - Magic of Music n Friendship

The other day I played  in car while driving to the class.     N heard it the first time. She was in aww of it. I asked her why was she silent.. she answered that she was listening and thinking. (still very quiet) I probed  on what was she thinking about... Very sweetly she replied "I didn't understand it completely.. but whatever i did .. i was thinking about my friend - R. and my birds who love me. " After a garba night they both waited for their pizzas. both were cold but only 1 had the chunni. Their sharing just took away my breadth.. and i clicked without their knowledge!  We still had half way to reach so I explained the meaning..  On that she said "see that's why i was thinking about R! no matter what happens she is always there for me. Even when nobody comes and asks why am I sad she always does and sits with me. Makes sure i cheer up and then we go back to play.." 😇😇 Needless to say I had tears in my eyes..w...

How many toys are just enough?

As I sort through and make my way in the myriad of toys that my daughter's room contains - I curse myself for the Nth time to allow the situation to come this far. 😓 So let me be clear - Half of the toys/craft things/art supplies/board games that she owns - we have NOT bought them! Seriously!! A new parent or someone from a different generation might not be able to fathom what I am saying.. but its True!  In the 7 years of her life - she has been counting her toys on Birthdays, Diwali, Christmas, New Year, Visits-from extended family-living abroad.., friends' birthdays etc etc. Most of the times I used to shrug my shoulders thinking "I haven't bought them.. She will play with them at some time...How can I just chuck them off?" But the fact is that I should have. I just should have!!  Nevertheless here are the disadvantages that I can count of having SO MANY TOYS! -  - It's a CHALLENGE to maintain them . Excuse my loud tone in this post.. bu...

Charm of Communication

What is the 1 thing that is going to leave a lasting impact on your children and your relationship with them?  What makes or breaks the situation when your 5 year old is trying to press your buttons? What comforts a 2 year old when she finds herself in a pre-school environment the 1st week and almost hates it? These kinds of questions we never ask ourselves while parenting our first-borns or even the next. Certainly not before we become parents.  But there are often times when we question ourselves..our style of parenting... if we are doing it right or not.. and all the guilt wading through in difficult situations. In the 7 years of being a parent if there is one thing that has never missed a chance to  make an impact - good or bad is - Communication. J (my dear husband) would shrug off - so what's the big deal about it. It is indeed the most important ingredient of all relationships, he will say! And as much as I don't like to admit - He is right! 😜...

Obligatory Introduction Post

Hi there.. I need not introduce myself to my friends but apparently all blog-helping websites are telling me to write a short intro about myself so readers and wanna-be-readers can know a little bit about me. So here it goes.. I am a new generation.. desi mom of a 7 year old active, sharp and witty girl - N. I will share more about her and my family in later posts.. Will keep this one to myself. Why this blog in a plethora of Mom and Parenting blogs available - Is a question I think I will be answering.. Trust me this is not a guide on parenting or motherhood.. Its not even a solution giving tool. All I wanted to do was put down my Observations, Perspectives and Learnings of being a Mom. While being a new mom I often found vast differences between what I heard from elders and what I experienced when it came to my DD. Quickly I realized if I had to make it work I have to bridge the gap between yesterday's solutions and tomorrow's problems and ...


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