Yaaron - Magic of Music n Friendship

The other day I played

 in car while driving to the class.

N heard it the first time. She was in aww of it. I asked her why was she silent.. she answered that she was listening and thinking. (still very quiet)

I probed  on what was she thinking about...

Very sweetly she replied "I didn't understand it completely.. but whatever i did .. i was thinking about my friend - R. and my birds who love me. "
After a garba night they both waited for their pizzas. both were cold but only 1 had the chunni. Their sharing just took away my breadth.. and i clicked without their knowledge! 

We still had half way to reach so I explained the meaning.. 
On that she said "see that's why i was thinking about R! no matter what happens she is always there for me. Even when nobody comes and asks why am I sad she always does and sits with me. Makes sure i cheer up and then we go back to play.." 😇😇

Needless to say I had tears in my eyes..while sensing that she too was overwhelmed! 

God Bless them.. And God Bless all true friends - no matter what the age, place, race, culture!!


Anonymous said…
Rightly put. True friendship is worth the celebration!
Mom Reflections said…
Yes anytime.. anyday! :-D