Obligatory Introduction Post

Hi there..

I need not introduce myself to my friends but apparently all blog-helping websites are telling me to write a short intro about myself so readers and wanna-be-readers can know a little bit about me.

So here it goes..

I am a new generation.. desi mom of a 7 year old active, sharp and witty girl - N. I will share more about her and my family in later posts.. Will keep this one to myself.

Why this blog in a plethora of Mom and Parenting blogs available - Is a question I think I will be answering..

Trust me this is not a guide on parenting or motherhood.. Its not even a solution giving tool.

All I wanted to do was put down my Observations, Perspectives and Learnings of being a Mom.

While being a new mom I often found vast differences between what I heard from elders and what I experienced when it came to my DD. Quickly I realized if I had to make it work I have to bridge the gap between yesterday's solutions and tomorrow's problems and make it work for Today's situation.

Good..Bad..Ugly only time will tell. But what today's young mother requires is enlightenment and information. She is capable enough to decide the best for her offspring... Our guts and hunches are our strongest support but at times they also rely on a little bit of information.

Information is available everywhere we go. Be it a mall, website, social media, magazine, movie or workplace. The idea of having a first-hand experience glued to this information makes it worth a read - or so I think! :-D If my learning, observations, conclusions or decision-making-techniques can even slightly help a mom - I would be delighted!

So without further delay I will start sharing experiences in the form of stories, anecdotes and more.. Don't go on the order. 'Cos if I start organizing my thought into proper pockets like my hard drive - my daughter would turn into a teenager by then..

Will keep posting random but be rest assured - I will give enough background to understand.

My friends and family used to reading my Social Media posts know it exactly. :-)

I would love to hear or read from you. If you don't have the patience to share a comment (which I know can be tedious sometimes) Just Hit Like so I know how you feel. And if there's anything you disliked or disapprove of - please message me. Always want to know why.

Hoping to enjoy this blogging journey with you all....

-Desi Mom


Shilpa said…
Awesome start.... waiting for more:-)
R Deo said…
Great start Desi Mom...from an another Desi heart! Best wishes. . .
Mom Reflections said…
Wow lovely!
Thank You :-)
Unknown said…
Beautifully written:-)
Mom Reflections said…
Thank You so much everyone! :-)
d said…
Its a good start... and specially the gap between yesterday and tomorrow is "present" (ie. Us) ..may u get the solution (i hope this may help)....
All the best "@DesiMom"
Mom Reflections said…
Thanks D!
Yes.. it always is.. And we are the ones who are looking for solutions :-D
Hope we all reach there before driving ourselves insane LOL