1st Skating Race

So last week I posted an update about the upcoming race that I wanted N to participate in here - don't want to race

The race was on Sunday. In spite of me assuring her that this is an experience and I am ok even if you don't win...Till Thursday she was furious and mad at me cos I was "making" her participate. Friday before class I left all irritation and anger outside the door when we walked in home from school and spoke to her. "N, you have 2 choices. 1- kick,cry, whine, be mad and take part in the race. 2 - take it easy, think this is an experience, enjoy the process and take part in the race." 
Needless to say, the sorted part of her brain agreed to the 2nd. She interacted with her coach about the race after diligent practice and we came home. 

Saturday whole day was enjoyable at a friend's new home lunch party with friends  and fun. She was reluctant & tired but didn't put up a fight when i asked her to practice a little in the evening. 

Next morning things were swinging between her and my Will to participate in this race. I dozed off just before I set the alarm..but woke up in time to rush out of the door and still make it. She woke up with resistance but managed to get ready really quickly - somewhere feeling its gonna be fun to skate on the new rink. 
We took the road against Google aunty's advice and found ourselves behind 15 cars on 1 way of the road cos the other was blocked by Marathon runners.. urghhhh.. I could see N smile from the back of my head..

Nevertheless we followed Google Maps to the T after a detour and reached there well before time.. She got a hang of the rink by doing few rounds and was happy and looking forward to it - all the time with apprehension! (beti kiski hai 👩😈 )

Finally it was the turn for Beginner Skaters. They clubbed the 5 children from 2 categories.. and the whistle was blown.. 
Not even half the lap was done and N fell down. Just slipped - no reason at all. Hota hai...life hai! I kept shooting the video in the hope that she will get up n start skating but NOO. She was embarrassed... felt horrible...hurt and ANGRY at the same time. J and I coaxed her to re-tie her skates and keep going but she knew she would reach last as their was only 1 lap. Her coach then came to rescue and urged her to get up and finish the race because that's what a sportsperson does! FINISH! Reluctantly again she got up with slow movements she started going and after a couple of seconds she got in motion. Finished her race! I know she didn't win. But in my heart I did a YESSSS! ✌✌ 

Big lesson Learnt! Always Finish the Race! 

Just when I had finished untying her skates - someone called out her name. Apparently she came 2nd as there were only 2 girls in that age group. 

What do you know? She won a Silver Medal along with Certificate! 

Her eyes twinkled and face got the smile back! And I stood proud - Not because she won a Medal.. But because my effort didn't go in vain. 

The car stereo played Pankhon Ko  while coming back home and she asked me to increase the volume as if dwelling in the words...

Coming back home as usual I gave her the gyaan. "You haven't got the medal cos you won the race. You got it cos you put the Effort. You finished the race and you didn't give up!!!" 

I just followed my gut like most moms do and kept up the insistence of participation to the fullest. Winning was not the Only goal - but I kept telling her "You have to give your best shot!" I was happy that she did. In spite of not wanting to she did it! And I was happier I didn't give in to her infectious reluctance..

I hope and pray that the lesson of putting in your best effort will stay with her for many more sports activities and competitions...


R Deo said…
Yay!!! Sooo proud of mom & N! Very encouraging! N this side and I read it eagerly waiting for climax! Great job!
Mom Reflections said…
Thank You sooo much N!
Means a lot :-)

I really want to know which of the N in my friends is this.. So plz ping/mesg me on FB...