Few hours on the clock and the decade will flip!
Few hours and the calendar will show the D day and my 4th decade on this earth will be over.

This time I got my favourite kind of dresses stitched ..just the way I like it and went to pamper myself just a lil when I know N is soooo excited about my birthday.. More than anyone actually :-D
The stylist today was tempted to tell me to colour all my greys with the line of hair products he had shelved... But didn't.. perhaps thought its useless LOL...or rather I was too busy enjoying the beautiful playlist going in the background while he tamed my overflowing hair...
Am I undergoing a mid-life crisis trying to accept that I am turning 40??!!
Hell NO!
Even though I have a handful of regrets, I am extremely grateful of having got this life. Grateful of having people who love me unconditionally and friends and family to share my ups and downs with. The cup is full even though the clock is ticking :-D
The last decade was an exceptional learning curve. Being a Mom taught me a lot more than what I learnt in the transition from a girl to a woman in my 30s. Today I am able to see through the things that I would have never had the stomach to accept a decade back. Have a fresh and open perspective on a lot of things that were unimaginable to my younger self.
And I take pride that I have become a more aware person in spite of being a SAHM. It takes efforts and I am so glad I don't have a peephole mentality!! phew

Nevertheless, 1 thing that I would like to change in my 5th decade is sticking to my fundamentals. Be it dressing style or choice of music/movies or choice of line of work. The more I have explored, the more I have realized I am happiest when I stick close to what i believe in. No matter how conventional or old-fashioned it looks or sounds.
I have come to the juncture where I don't care much about what and how people will think...As it is society's norms are highly over rated.
It gives me a determination to be a more carefree learner and to be able to enjoy the little joys of life...
If you are able to hold your head high with the right values and carry the love of your close knit people in your hearts, you can walk on a steady ground without loosing your balance. That's like a new Mantra!!
Here's to another decade which I want to be more fabulous, enriched with the learning, full of fun and loving times.. as a daughter, sister, wife, mom and friend! 1 thing I know is going to help is to keep reminders of what makes me Happy! I took up N's project of Bullet Journaling and have actually jotted down few things that make me Happy!.. It's amazing how we forget those simple joys in the rut of life. This will remind me to keep going back and Smile a While!
Cheers to a fabulous fouth Decade!
A Big Shout Out to the fantastic 5th!