The year is about to end.. 4 days from now this wrathful year will come to an end.
This year that started with so much hope and promises like another New Year and showed us some horrific times with a raging pandemic. It also showed us how to survive with the basics. Something that we had forgotten over the years while becoming a supremingly capitalist economy.
As I look back I cannot be thankful enough for all the good times that we saw, the good health that me and my family were able to have - in spite of the fact that the world was fighting the rage of the ugly virus.
But just like a coin, the other side has left an impression on the hearts and minds that is going to take a very long time to disappear.
The loneliness, the silence, the despair in the eyes of kids and adults alike.. There were some very hard times that this year showed us. The streaming content on a variety of channels often kept us more sane than our own trying-to-be-positive thoughts. The wait of the next year kept us all hopeful for a better and free-of-pandemic times!
The memories of yester years without masks and dollops of sanitizers kept us wishful that better times will be here soon. The deaths of relatives and celebrities leaving an impact in a way we would have never imagined otherwise. It was a bitter year with sore spots along with all the cooking and creative milestones we achieved. Just like life!
Do we bask in the glory of those creative milestones and hope that this year stretches a lil longer?
I bet we all are shaking our heads wild enough to let someone see at a mile's stretch too. We did what we could. We survived. We learnt. We coped. We consoled. But now we want it to END.
I sometimes wonder why blame the year? The simple 4 digits on the calendar had nothing to do with what happened in the entire world? It was just there. Just like any other year. But still it will remain like a blotch in the history of the entire decade rather century. Just like that raindrop who starts off pure and simple but lands up in a pool of mud - none of it is its fault but its still dirty now...
Honestly, as much as I along with the entire city, country and world - await the new year - I don't have very high hopes about anything. Not even of the vaccine. Everything still looks skeptical. Still very foggy and very unsure. But Hope is eternal. Just like a 2 faced person - I want to welcome the New Year with good vibes and at the same time feel absolutely hopeless of just the flip of the page in the binding thing called calendar!
Here's to theOptimisim
Here's to saying a bitter-sweet GoodBye to 2020!