As a young married lady when I used to see daughter's of friends holding and cuddling their Barbies' amongst other toys - I used to cringe and wowed my future-child would never-ever-oh-so-never hold that skinny little thing ...leave alone play with it.
Aaah!! The perks of being a mother and that too of an incessant young girl - I just finished watching the latest Barbie movie - Barbie Princess Adventure
Yup! You guessed it right - That's why I titled this Never say Never!
No offense to #Mattel but I simply hated Barbie Dolls as a young school girl myself. I remember when my uncle living in a another country used to ask me if he wanted me to bring any toy for me - I used to tell him get books on the next trip instead. I think even then the materialistic world of plastic smiles, fake bodies and fashion clothing didn't interest me..just like it doesn't now.
As an aunt - I remember buying Barbies & accessories for my husband's nieces while residing outside the country myself but again .. thought to myself - never for my child (if I have a daughter)
But as they say - you can never know what is in store for you - especially with your child... This was one of those things. I made conscious choices of what kind of toys N will have, or books she will read ever since she was few months old. Anything that wouldn't stimulate her senses as a toddler - didn't make it up to my shopping cart.
But as N grew so did her friend circle. Each one of them brought in their love for varied plays and toys to share with N. Around the age of 5 she got hooked on to this doll as it seemed common in most of the friends' toy-chest except hers. She tried asking and I shook my head big time. "No Way" was my reply - Yes. I still remember. "I will buy any other doll not Barbie." I kept saying. But as my resistance grew so did her determination to have one. Finally her aunt - now living in another country asked N which toy she wanted as a birthday gift..and prompt the came the reply - BARBIE 🙄
I resisted but held up.. Then there were more.. And I felt annoyed!
Next I knew her bestie got her another one on her 8th birthday! By this time I had given up. But the new Digital series of Barbie and her movies had a big role to play in that decision I feel.
As you would have known Barbie was introduced in the 60s...It was criticized for its free-spirited, carrying less family values, and superficial looks.. And I still think to have dolls like that for young children especially in this competitive fierce world of looks and show off can be catastrophic. The image the doll leaves to have the perfect body, flawless skin and a heap full of shopping bags in the latest car is not what young girls should be looking upto.
But with constant criticism the makers of the doll and its related programming changed their beat quite a lot. By the time I was in my growing years, the doll had a steady boyfriend Ken but also had avatars like Astronaut and Air Force pilot to its credit. It also diversified into different cultures and races - obviously to tap into the markets - but also to make every section of the society feel inclusive. Over the years, the doll and its hoopla around has broadened its horizons to different careers, shapes, colors and also perspectives. Today's Barbie is ambitious, still looks good, wants to rise and shine and then enjoy the fruits of her labour!!
This is how my perspective shifted a little after I watched a few episodes of Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures on N's persistent requests. The Barbie shown here is full of adventure, spirit, wants to do good and big in life, doesn't hide behind false makeup and fake smiles and is like a real girl - just like our daughters and their friends.
That led to watching the movies -
Barbie Princess Adventures
We have re-runs of these shows and movies on our TV sometimes. J gets annoyed and runs away to his faithful gadgets so he doesn't have to hear these dialogues & songs. But I enjoy them with N. (Not every other day of course..) I have liked the series and the above mentioned movies cos it has a positive takeaway after the fun part has ended. Not just that - the songs are a big hit and have already made their way in our car's playlist (can you imagine a cringing J yet????)😂 . Not just N - there are a couple of songs even I love..
No. Please don't let your mind wander to the old-time lousy animation of "I'm a Barbie girl ... You can touch my hair...." Oh no please No. Urgh.. 🙄
I am talking about the latest ones - You can hear them below...
(This one is my favourite!) I never thought I would say this - EVER!!😍
And this is how my persistent, positive and full of hopeful stars turned my 'NEVER' into 'SURE' :-)
Now the only thing that needs to change is the aspiration of looking like Barbie. Long hair, blue eyes, fair skin. Barbie doll - I hate 🤬you for that. Not because N or millions of girls like her cannot be like that... but because it is unrealistic (and stupid--- yess that felt better)😝 !
But as far as you keep on bringing happy vibes into my N's life - I will tolerate you in her toy box too!! 🤩
If you want to check out how Barbie looked in the year you were born and other versions Click on this link..
So Long.. !👋
Disclaimer - This is not a Promo/Hate Post for any doll or company. Just my views, my reflections on a particular doll and its digital content.