New Grade - New Age

From Books n Tiffins --- To Bandwidth n Distancing!

And just like that, the new Academic Year began.. 
Unlike every year, there was no excitement of the online-report.. 
Nor was there any rush to buy tiffins, bags and uniforms alike..
Instead us parents were found scrambling to set up a decent gadget where children can attend online classes. 
Mann, the world has not only changed - it has boiled down to a bunch of screens, microphones and cameras. 

The first few years teachers were trying to inculcate a sense of inclusiveness by encouraging the kids to speak... 
This year the same teachers have to ask the kids to be quiet and invisible! 
From classroom etiquette, to online etiquette... these children are learning and helping us learn invaluable lessons! 

As I and N gear up for a very interesting Online Session of Grade 4, I ponder over all the fuss we created over things that seem pointless right now! But at the same time I know, the day we go back to Class Room Learning - the same pointless things will be important again. 

I just hope we don't forget to pack our new learnings in the school back-pack then.. :-)

