Happy Fresh Year
Ok. Hello again! After weeks.. umm months! Yes. People take sabbaticals when they are not ready for something. This was mine. I essentially started this blog to share happy, healthy and a joyful journey of motherhood with my readers. But with the last 2 blog posts - I only vented. Which wasn't healthy. Then other stuff happened, and then some more ugly stuff happened. Not getting into the gory details of the ugliness, let's come to the point! LOL Have you ever experienced a lull and then it gets on your nerves so much that you want to change that? Not just get out of the lull but ...... also change your entire surrounding... surround yourself with only positivity... cut the crap of the negativity that has been engulfing?? Perhaps you do.. and Perhaps you don't. Perhaps its an on going process for most. People keep detoxing their bodies, mind and surroundings. Unfortunately, I have been an extremist. And I...