Adieu Grade 2

Class 2 officially ends for DD and her class mates today. 
I don't know about N, but I sure felt the pang while sending her off today. 

Its simple, some of you might say.. way of life...1 chapter is over another begins. 
Yes I can't wait for summer vacation.. 
Yes I can't wait to shut my alarm clock for 1+ months...
Yes I am exhilarated on not making 2 dabbas for the next 50 odd days.. 

But Yes I am also sad that my child grew out of the 2nd grade soo soon. A part of me wants her to grow out of this rebel phase and wanna be able to do big girl things with me.. Another part of me wants to hold on to this bubbly..silly..full of inquisitiveness phase a little longer..! 

She hated to study some subjects and loved others.. Her interest in EVS flourished and dwindled in English. With fingers crossed I hope that 3rd grade brings about positive changes as far as curriculum is concerned. 

But I cannot go further without Thanking her class teacher with gratitude and humility. Hats off to Teachers like her that our children are able to maintain a keen interest in fundamental subjects and also sharpen their skills in others. R di, your support and reasoning conversations with N are beyond any words of Thanks. And not only just N, I have seen you helping out children as well as their moms coming from different backgrounds. With teachers like you, I have a golden hope for our children for the coming years. 

Thank You once again for all the guidance & support throughout the year. 

Apart from interest in subjects her friendships changed too. From just 1-2 close buddies now she is a part of a group of 7.. also sometimes calling themselves the 🌈 group!! These names come on top when we talk about her upcoming birthday... I m sure the proximity to each will change some time.. it may not either.. but the bonds she has made are gonna be special for her. 

The learnings and the friendships will go hand in hand to the next class and soo on... 

As I wish N has an excellent vacation... I know she is going to have fond memories of being in this class, her teacher and friends for years to come! 
