Sound of Chaos


Yes you read it right!

Sound of Chaos!! 

The TV commercials and programs are not the best sources to give you the correct picture when the cool and composed Mom packs tiffins first thing in the morning and wakes up her child(ren) with a smile and drops them off to the bus/school in a ready avatar! 
I am not saying it can never happen.. its just very unlikely!! 

8/10 households become war-zones when its time for kids to go to school and more often than not even when parent(s) have to get to their work place in time. 
And its E.V.E.R.Y single day... ! (remember Ishaan from TZP)

And as much as we rely and depend on our house-hold helpers, they just have to be around during or just after your early morning chaos is over. 
So whatever happens to 20 minutes of Silence?! It obviously gets packed up between the 2 layers of tiffin box or first 10 pages of your child(ren)'s book required for the 1st period. 

Yes there are ladies who wake up couple of hours before they have to wake up their sleeping monsters.. and they do get their quiet ...relaxing hot cuppa with innate silence in the wee hours of the morning... Yes I am sure! I also know a handful who get their daily dose of Pranayama too before they enter the kitchen.. But trust me that number is way less! 😶

And then there are ladies like me who need to catch the last snooze after the 1st alarm goes off in the morning. 

Those last few moments curled up in your blanket staring in dark space is often more important than the 5 hours of measly sleep that we often get.. And the peace is finally broken with the 

Sound of the blaring alarm..

It often follows with the 
sound of utensils clattering to whip up healthy meals for kiddos...
sound of your own voice (read yelling) to wake up the sleepyheads...
sound of water gushing to wash up the fruits or tiny humans...
sound of stories or wake up songs for kiddos...
sound of buses honking their hearts out...
and of course 
sound of Good Morning messages that start hitting your whatsapp as soon as the Silent timer goes out...
The sound of the helper cleaning utensils is just the end of the rope when you are absolutely done with the morning... 

Either you look forward to your peaceful time in your office cubby where you can relax your ears along with back and feet before starting work... Or you look forward to the newspaper waiting with the coffee-gone-cold after the 3rd reheat! 
Trust me either of it is normal! And if the finally arrived minutes of silence encourage you to take a quick nap before you meet the rest of the day head-on - More power to you! Don't hesitate...Don't procrastinate! You don't have to justify the silence to anyone!! 

Can you relate to this? 
Which other sounds do you wake up to in the morning? 
What bothers you? 
How do you cope? 

Let me listen to your sounds in comments...!! 


Anonymous said…
hahaha so true
sudha said…
i hate the sound of subziwaala on the street.. makes me go bonkers
Anu said…
Loved the way u have penned majority of moms’ thoughts. I so hate alarm sounds. Those 5 mins of bliss between switching off the alarm and getting back in the blanket, knowing next time u see that bed will be in the night is what I cherish doing everyday :)
Mom Reflections said…
haha isn't it!?
sometimes these utilities can be pain in the kazooo
Mom Reflections said…
subziwaala!! oh yess how can i forget those..
and the paperwaala too! ufff